Club Conference – 15th April 2023

The Club Conference will take place 10am – 4 pm on 15th April 2023 in Perth.  The exact agenda is still to be formalised but will include the following:

  • SOA finances and strategic plan 2024 – 2028
  • Key discussion – what do we mean by a thriving sport and how can we achieve that?
  • WOC 2024 Development plan
  • Round up of the year with an emphasis on post Covid recovery.
  • Feedback from the club listening exercise currently ongoing.
  • Competition calendar – achieving the right balance.

A buffet lunch and a fun ‘O’ break will be included.

Last Club Conference

Anyone who wishes to suggest other items for the agenda should contact or make it known to the members of the staff team hosting the club listening.  

We have allocated 2 places per club in the first instance. These do not necessarily have to be committee members but club members who contribute to the life of the club and wish to attend.  Further places may be made available to further members from individual clubs depending on uptake. Anyone wishing to attend should fill out the registration form.