Coach CPD day

A long-awaited Coach CPD day was held at Kinnoull Hill near Perth on Saturday.  Ten coaches from 6 clubs spent a very productive day trying out exercises in the woods and exchanging ideas centred around maintaining interest at TD1 & 2. The ideas flowed thick and fast and we all learned a lot.

Earnest discussion taking place

It was agreed that we definitely need more chances to get together to exchange ideas and learn from each other. The next day is planned for March next year to fit in with the event schedule.

In the meantime, Suzanne is going to set up a repository for coaching ideas on a Google drive to which all coaches will have access.  If you haven’t received an invite within the next week, get in touch.

One of our new coaches and staff member, Heidi, getting some tips from an old hand, Dave Robertson.
Planning an exercise