Community Conversation: Making the Most of WOC 2024 Project – Monday 8th May 7pm

For those who attended the Club Conference on 15th April, a short summary of the data gathered and project proposal for Making the Most of WOC 2024 was provided to aid discussions on the day. The SOA Board are however aware that for most members they may have engaged with the data gathering carried out but have not had the opportunity to hear more about the results and the proposal. To that end, as previously indicated there will be a community conversation taking place on Monday 8th May at 7pm online providing a summary of the work carried out by Baroudeur and allow a discussion on the data gathered.

We would love to see you there and to register for the session please email Nikki Howard at who will send out a link before the event.

As ever, we would welcome any suggestions for topics of discussion but at the moment we have the following programme pencilled in:-

  • SOA AGM (5th June)
  • Club Development Planning (3rd July)
  • Access Issues (4th September)
  • Volunteer Strategy (9th Ocotber)
  • The coaching culture (6th November)
  • 2024 look ahead (4th December)