Controllers’ Training

Having had a wonderful summer of orienteering, it’s now time to turn our thoughts to sharing learning, upskilling and training our next generation of volunteers. We have two sessions for Controllers coming up.

A Grade C Controllers course will be running in Glasgow, 10am – 4 pm on 30th September 2023.  If you would like to attend, please fill in the registration form which gives more details of the requirements to become a controller.  The course is free.  Detailed joining instructions will be sent out nearer the time.  In the meantime any questions can be addressed to 

A Controllers’ Event Safety update and discussion will be chaired by our Safety Director Tim O’Donoghue on  the evening of Sat 28th October in the Tullieallan/Devilla area.  Please fill in the registration form if you would like to attend.  A rough agenda for the session includes First Aid provision, considerations for urban events, emergency plans and response, dynamic risk assessment, records and reporting.