Development Newsletter

Going Forward into 2023

Hello and a warm welcome to 2023. The Development Team had an exciting yet challenging 2022. At the start of the year we were understaffed then lost Sarah Dunn as Development Manager. However in the autumn Heidi Ross joined the team enabling us to be a full staff team again. We have supported projects including: Dundee Active Schools with Tay and Earlston High School with the Roxburgh Reivers along with summer camps and work to find out more from young people about what keeps them in the sport. We are excited for 2023 to take on new development projects and continue our work from 2022. 

Orienteering in a Competitive Pair

Following feedback from Juniors at Juniors Interareas last year, we are trialling orienteering in a competitive pair. Juniors wanted to make orienteering more social and loved the idea of being able to run in a pair.  The EUOCs Big Weekend in Edinburgh  from 27th-29th January will be the first trial of competitive pairs. Running in a pair will not just be for juniors but adults as well! The social aspect of sport is very important, and will hopefully encourage adults to try orienteering and help retain juniors. We will be trialling pairs at more events throughout the year. We would be delighted to hear from you if you want to trial pairs at your event. 

Junior Squads Update

In 2022 the SWAT (Scottish West Area Team) went from strength to strength, hosting regular training and campings for Juniors in west area clubs. Juniors enjoyed being able to socialise with juniors outside of their club and meet regularly at training and social activities. The aim of SWAT squads is to enable juniors to make friends in orienteering to help them stay engaged in the sport. A session was run jointly last year with East juniors. This year we hope to support more training for East and North juniors as well as continue support to the West.  

NB There will be no Junior Cup this year, though the results of last year’s event can be found here.  Instead, this year, the focus will be on other popular junior events including Jamie Stevenson, Scottish Schools and Junior Interareas and encouraging Juniors to support their clubs in the Interclub Champs which is being revised.. 

Juniors… Save the Dates 

Scottish Schools: 2nd June  Callander Park Falkirk

Jamie Stevenson: 18th June Plean Country Park

Interareas: 28th and 29th October  Stirling area

WOC 2024

Only one year to go before WOC 2024 next year! We have met with the Glasgow based clubs and Edinburgh based clubs to discuss their plans for WOC 2024 and how to get the most out of the event. We are also working with Baroudeur and British Orienteering on developing a growth project around WOC2024. 

Buff Design Competition 

In 2022 the Young Leader Programme was revitalised and now comprises three components for young planners (age 12+), young coaching assistants (age 14+) and young organisers (age 16+). We want to recognise and celebrate our young leaders. We spoke to our Young Leaders about what they would like. The Young Leaders said they would like a buff as a form of recognition. Therefore we are opening up a competition for Juniors to design a buff for the young leaders. To enter, design a buff with a different colour variation for each type of young leader. Please scan designs in and send via email to or post to the National Orienteering Office at Glenmore Lodge. Entries close 31st March. 

Upcoming Courses

We have upcoming courses. Please email if you are interested in any of the courses. More courses will be added later in the year depending on demand. 

18th February Young Coach Assistant 

20th February Level 1 Coach 

6th March Foundation Coach

1st May Coaching Foundation 

23rd October Level 2 Coach 

Development Fund

This has been revamped to make it easier to complete, we hope!

Applications for financial support for club development projects are welcomed from SOA clubs, groups of clubs, regional associations, or squads.  Depending on demand, the likely upper limit for funding is usually around £1000.

Projects which target one of the following objectives are particularly encouraged:

  • support and development of club coaching and coach education
  • supporting and developing young people to contribute to all aspects of the sport
  • supporting grassroots development towards WOC2024
  • focus on inclusivity and equality

However, any projects that will advance new and innovative ideas for development of the sport are welcomed.

The next round is open to clubs and entries close 5th Feb 2023. More information on the fund here.

Scottish Orienteering Contacts

Coaching courses and Volunteers

Events and operations 

Development and development fund applications 


Memberships and general inquiries

Save the Date- 15th April 2023

On the 15th April we have the club conference in Perth. Please write this in your diary. We encourage all club members to come along and have their say. 

Club Listening Exercise 

Before the club conference on the 15th April in Perth SOA staff are going to meet individually with all clubs. We want to find where all our clubs are post pandemic and what SOA support clubs want. Priorities from this will be discussed further at the club conference in April.  We will be in contact with clubs over January and February to arrange these meetings.