Do you know someone who deserves the President’s medal?

Do you know of someone who has gone above and beyond for the benefit of orienteering? The President’s Medal is handed out annually at the AGM to recognise significant contribution to the sport.

We are aware that there are plenty of people who work tirelessly within their clubs, giving hours of their time to promote the sport, but never seek recognition. We truly welcome all nominations so we ask you to ensure we hear of everyone who deserves recognition.

Anyone or any club/ organisation, other than previous winners, can be nominated even those who has been nominated previously. Nominations should be submitted by Friday 21st June.

Please take 2 minutes to tell us who should be shortlisted for this award by completing this 2024 President’s Medal nomination form

Previous winners include:

2022 Judy Bell (ESOC)

2021 Tim O’Donoghue (SOLWAY)

2020 Janet Clark (ESOC) and Sheila Reynolds (MAROC)

2019 John Musgrave (MAROC)

2018 Edinburgh University Orienteering Club

2017 Robin and Sheila Strain (ELO)

2016 Richard Oxlade (ESOC)

2015 Sally Lindsey (ESOC)

2014 Jessica and James Tullie (BASOC)

2013 Anne Hickling (GRAMP)

2012 Claire Ward (INT)

2010 Blair Young (TINTO)

2009 Mike Rogers (MOR) and Dave Prentice

2008 Paul Frost

2007 Donald Petrie

2006 Lynne Walker

2005 Mike Atherton

2004 Robin Strain

2003 Jamie Stevenson

2002 Maureen Brown

2001 Oleg Chepelin

2000 Jamie Stevenson