East off to a flying start

Sunday saw the East Area Junior training sessions get off to a flying start.

A flying start for East juniors
Coaches, Parents and Young People compete at Noughts an Crosses

Nearly 30 juniors, parents and coaches assembled for what is the first of a series of sessions planned for East juniors in 2023. Costorphine Hill provided an ideal venue for the training which started with ‘trains’ after the warm up of noughts and crosses provided by Hanne Robertson and David Robertson ESOC.

Youngsters travelled from Fife supported by KFO coaches Matthew Clark and Ian Doig.

Roger Scrutton ESOC led the session and kept everyone engaged with tricky courses. Parents had the opportunity for coaching too. Some couldn’t resist a head to head with their off spring at the end. The youngsters won!

We look forward to some more sessions in April and May before the Jamie Stevenson Trophy in June.