The Scottish Inter-Club Championship moved into its seventh week, as ECKO hosted a Scottish Orienteering League fixture at Coille Nathais, near Taynuilt.

Individual results for the SOL can be found here

Lock Eck Orienteers Club Logo
ECKO’s SOL was the 7th event in the 2022 Scottish Inter-Clubs Championship

ESOC continues to lead the Large Clubs division, and has now accumulated over 100,000 points, although FVO has nibbled into their lead, which is down to 12,000 points, as they moved clear of INT into second place. The junior competition for large clubs continues to be led by FVO, who have now established a 3rd team in the competition, but the real excitement is the battle for second place, as MAROC’s early lead has been cut by MOR to just 850 points, or the equivalent of one scoring run.

It was a good day in the Small Clubs league for RR, who closed to within touching distance of league leaders ELO, and for TAY, who moved ahead of STAG into 3rd place. ECKO took advantage of home territory to boost their points total significantly, while the junior competition sees the same placings as in the overall standings, with ELO leading from RR and TAY.

League tables after seven events can be found here. These now include the scores for TAY from SOL 1, which were accidently missed out of the last set of tables.

The next scoring events in the SICC League are this weekend, with CLYDE’s Urban race at Dumbarton on Saturday followed by a SoSOL in the Pentland Hills on Sunday, courtesy of ESOC.