Farewell to Ade Chapman as Operations Director

Since being co-opted onto the Board in April and formally elected at the recent EGM, Ade has had a considerable impact on the areas of Operations. He has been a popular board member and one we are sorry to lose. He has been instrumental in establishing our Planner Advocate and Controller Advocate roles and working closely with SOA staff to ensure there have been opportunities for members to progress their skills during lockdown and beyond.

Ade Chapman
Ade Chapman outgoing Operations Director

We are immensely sad to see Ade leave the Operations Director role but personal circumstances see him headed south of the border in early December. Ade has been a conscientious member of the Guidelines Working Group and given up many evenings to ensure the SOA publish appropriate guidelines at each phase of the pandemic to date. He also leaves a lasting legacy in the work he did to publish the Event Officials Guidelines and Framework. We wish Ade all the best for his next chapter!

Events Officials Guidelines and Framework v1.1 17082020

So, the Board of Directors is putting out a request for a volunteer to take on the role of Operations Director. If you may be interested and wish to have an informal discussion about the role please contact Fiona@scottish-orienteering.org