Focus on Club Accreditation

The SOA runs an Accreditation scheme that allows clubs to be recognised for their achievements. Post COVID, the scheme was put on the back foot to allow clubs to get back on their feet and get back to some form of normality. We are now keen to refocus clubs towards the scheme which comes with many benefits.

At the recent Scottish Championship weekend, two of our clubs were presented with accreditation awards after fulfilling the criteria at the beginning of the year. INVOC are now on the ladder, achieving the Bronze level award, whilst Moravian have progressed to Silver level – congratulations to both!

INVOC are presented with their Bronze Accreditation award by the SOA President at the Scottish Championships 2024

The accreditation scheme is a clear and positive way to increase credibility with official bodies, funders, landowners and other partners. It allows clubs to be recognised for their achievements and is good for the status of the club. Submissions are independently assessed and clubs are invited to apply initially for Bronze accreditation, followed by Silver then Gold.

Moravian are presented with their Silver Accreditation award by the SOA president at the Scottish Relay Championships 2024.

The key aims of the scheme are to support and empower orienteering clubs to: create an environment that is inclusive, safe and child-friendly; develop high standards of club governance; and encourage lifelong participation in our sport through sustainable club development and pathways.

The accreditation process involves reviewing your general procedures and policies to ensure that they conform to standards, hence providing a fantastic opportunity for your club to continue to develop structure and progression. There are many tangible benefits to being accredited such as:

  • Increased opportunity to receive funding
  • Increased club profile
  • Increased membership
  • Improved coaching standards
  • Formalised links with local schools and partners

If you are interested in becoming accredited or furthering your progress and require any assistance, then please contact your dedicated DO. Accreditation criteria and submission forms can be found on the Club Accreditation page of our website.