Funding Opportunities For Clubs

We wanted to make clubs aware of a few new funding streams which have become available which may be worth considering, these have been highlighted specifically for their simple application process. Thank you to our new East RDO, Lorna Simpson, for bringing these to our attention and sharing the information here on how to apply and what the grants will support. Building on Lorna’s experience and expertise in this area we hope to run a session in the Autumn on supporting clubs with funding applications and opportunities.

Poundland Foundation

The Poundland Foundation launched recently and is looking to support organisations working to transform communities and change lives across the UK.

Their first grant window is ‘Kits for Kids’ and they are accepting applications in June from local sports clubs or organisations for grants of up to £750 to provide kit or equipment for your team.

It is open to non-profit making organisations and you will need to share your child protection and safeguarding policies. If any club needs support with their policy, contact

More details and application details can be found here:

Magic Little Grants

The People’s Postcode Lottery is currently accepting applications for its Magic Little Grants scheme which offers £500 through a 10-minute online application which is open to charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs), social enterprises and other not-for-profit community organisations. They need to either be in their first year of operation or have an annual income less that £250,000.

They are looking to fund projects around the following themes:

  1. Improving mental wellbeing
  2. Enabling community participation in the arts
  3. Preventing or reducing the impact of poverty
  4. Supporting marginalised groups and promoting equality
  5. Improving biodiversity and green spaces
  6. Enabling participation in physical activity
  7. Responding to the climate emergency and promoting sustainability 
  8. Increasing community access to outdoor space

You should be notified of the outcome within 2 months and successful applicants also receive a year’s free membership to Localgiving. You can apply here

Vote for Scottish Orienteering and Support Us!

While you are here, we would be grateful if you could complete this simple online nomination form for Scottish Orienteering to be in with a chance to win a grant to support our work. The more nominations, the better our chances!

Movement for good – Nominate a charity to receive £1000 from Ecclesiastical