Grade C controllers course

We are very grateful to Rob Hickling for running the most recent Grade C Controllers course last weekend. Here’s what two of the potential new controllers had to say about the experience.

Andy Llewellyn of FVO in action

Andy writes,”Rob Hickling ran a really engaging controlling course round Kinnoull Hill. It was great to mix a few theory sessions with a large amount of practical activity out in woods, locating and agreeing control sites with other budding controllers. I look forward to helping clubs and the SOA maintain the fantastic range of events on the Scottish calendar. I also hope to raise the profile of controlling across our younger members. We are very fortunate in Scotland to have a plethora of very experienced controllers, but I’m sure some of them wouldn’t mind some younger controlling legs to help on some of our unforgiving terrain!” 

Jon Cross of FVO was similarly enthused, “I have planned and organised a lot of events over the years, so I am well aware what a key role the controller can play in making an event successful.

I have been meaning for a while to gain controller status so that I am able to contribute to the sport in that way, so thanks very much to SOA and Rob Hickling for arranging a suitable course and making it so engaging and interesting. The classroom sessions and group discussions were really useful and Kinnoull Hill for the practical element was a pleasure to spend time in.  A very worthwhile day that I would recommend to anyone who has successfully planned and organised a few events!”

Two members of STAG, Marta Szydlowska and Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg also attended the course.

If you think that controlling might be for you please sign up for the next course. We plan to run another one in the autumn with the venue tbc taking into consideration local events and location of participants. To register interest please contact to be added to the list.