High quality racing opportunity for aspiring performance athletes

The British Team selection races for the European Orienteering Championships (Estonia) and Word Cup Round 3 (Switzerland) will take place on the 9-10 July in Scotland. It is a good opportunity for Scottish performance and aspiring performance athletes to race on high quality maps and courses. Some great racing on offer in Culbin and Glendye

Saturday 9 July Middle Distance at Culbin near Forres, planner: Jon Hollingdale

Sunday 10 July Long Distance at Glen Dye, planner: Roger Coombs

How to enter

Click here to enter the races

The closing date for entering the races is Sunday 3rd July.

Entry numbers for both races will be restricted due to permissions and car parking constraints.

A waiting list system will be used for entries, to ensure that priority is given to those who can demonstrate they are able to contend for the teams for World Cup 2 (EOC) and/or World Cup 3.

Please enter as normal – waiting list entrants who have their entry accepted will then receive an email inviting them to pay and confirm their entry.