Is your area/ club represented on the SOA Board?

You will be aware from SOA communications over the last few months that there are gaps currently on the SOA Board. We are seeking individuals to fill the roles of Operations Director, Performance Director and Marketing and Communications Director with Ben Hartman as Finance Director due to come to the end of his term.

Directors bring their experience to the Board to ensure the voice of all areas and clubs within the SOA is represented. Directors take up their post ideally for a three year period with the possibility of extending their role for another 3 years.

At present, we have representatives from Clydeside Orienteers (CLYDE), Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club (ESOC), Interlopers Orienteering Club (INT), Inverness Orienteering Club (INVOC) and Solway Orienteering Club (SOLWAY).

The Board meet approximately six times a year and ideally we would like to see the voices of all areas and clubs represented. The sport needs not only thriving clubs but also a full Board to ensure the voice of those clubs and orienteers from all spheres of the orienteering community are heard. Do you feel you could add the voice of your club and area to the Board? If you feel you would have something to bring to the Board or simply would like to know more about it please contact Keith Dawson via his email