Jamie Stevenson Alternative Map Challenge

So here it is – the map challenge – as part of the Jamie Stevenson Alternative.

Ready steady go…

Map challenge

Design and run a course including the 9 features below and, for an extra challenge, can you do it in the horse shape of the Jamie Stevenson Trophy?

See the extra challenge below

Instructions for juniors:

  1. Design a course that you can run in your local area. The course needs to take in as many of the nine features as you can from this ‘bingo card’ below.

Jamie Stevenson Alternative
BINGO card
Can you design and run a course with all these features on it?For an extra challenge – do your course in the shape of the Trophy

1. A water feature
Pond, marsh, stream,
river, loch, well  
2. A fence Ruined,
high, low
3.  A wall Ruined,
stone, brick,high,low
4. A man made feature Sculpture, bench, lamp post  
5. A distinctive tree Coniferous or deciduous or unusual tree

6. A contour feature
( knoll, hill, re-entrant, depression, spur)

7. A rock feature Boulder, boulder field, crag, cliff, stony ground
8. A crossing point Paths, tracks, rides, roads  
9. Vegetation boundary Thicket, bush, open to woodland, hedge  

Can you plot a course using all nine features? Make them up if they don’t exist….

Use any map available to you within the guidance. You can also simply draw a course on your map with a pen!

Maps may be a local orienteering map (check with your club about access and suitability). It might be an ordnance survey map. You may want to use openorienteeringmap to create your own or alternatively make your own map altogether!  Here are some options to look at.

You can plot a course by simply drawing a course with a pen. You can also use MaprunF or using software such as purplepen which is free or condes. Most clubs have a license for condes.

Ask a parent or someone from your club if you are not sure. Most clubs have someone who has experience of some of these approaches

For younger members (10 years or under) a garden map with pictures of features or any ‘invention’ of features will be welcome! Parents can help you too….

Remember to follow the Scottish Orienteering and Government COVID guidance as we are still likely to be in Phase One. Stay local!

2. Run your course and take a selfie

Once you have plotted your course go and RUN it. Take a selfie of yourself at your favourite control – then share your map and picture with us before 5pm Sunday 14th June.

Email it to fran.loots@scottish-orienteering.org or use the hashtag #jamiestevensonalternative Remember to tell us who you are and age.

3. An extra Challenge

As an extra challenge see if you can do the course artistically in the shape of the Jamie Stevenson Trophy – a horse! ( see below).  You may want to use a garmin type watch or phone for this or draw on your route with a pen. There will be prizes for this! Also send these to fran.loots@scottish-orienteering.org or #jamiestevensonalternative Remember to tell us who you are and age.

Produce a course that is this shape….

MAROC have tried this and had great results producing a capercaillie and squirrel.

Strava capercaillie
Strava squirrel

Remember to send in pictures and maps by 5pm June 14th then join us at prize giving at 6pm.