Jamie Stevenson competition visits the Hermitage this year

The 2024 Jamie Stevenson Trophy event is being held at the Hermitage just outside Dunkeld this year on Sunday 16th June. Some may say this will be a huge disappointment to all the Scottish juniors as they will be unable to spend the whole day spoiling their fathers but we all know that peace to indulge in whatever hobby they love best is generally what every father wants!

The club flag parade featuring for the first time the INVOC eagle

The Jamie Stevenson Trophy provides an opportunity for all Scottish junior orienteers to come together and compete for their club whilst also providing another opportunity in the year to meet juniors from other clubs. It is a fun and inclusive day which allows club friendships to blossom and generally everyone ends up hoarse cheering their team mates.

It starts with a traditional parade of each club with their club flag and after the INVOC eagle mascot making an appearance last year we are looking forward to this year’s parade. A mass warm up then takes place lead by the Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad (SCOTJOS) before the orienteering begins. There are spot prizes awarded through the day with the most supportive club award becoming an institution alongside the Jamie Stevenson Trophy itself!

The warm up

The Jamie Stevenson Trophy is organised by and acts as a fundraiser for the Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad (SCOTJOS). Last year the prize was taken by Forth Valley Orienteering (FVO) Juniors again having taken home the trophy in 2022 as well but before that nobody had managed to wrestle it away from Mar Orienteering Club (MAROC) for more years than everyone cares to remember. Who will raise the trophy this year?

Entries will be collated by Clubs and so make sure you tell your Junior Club Captain or Club Coach that you want to be involved in what is sure to be another fun day. Entry forms will be despatched to clubs in the next week.

Last Year’s winners FVO