Junior Inter-Area Weekend – 3rd/4th September- Make sure it’s in your diary!

Is the Scottish Junior Inter-area weekend on 3rd/4th September 2022 in your diary?  With information going out to clubs soon, it is important that all juniors have the weekend in the diary as it’s a weekend not to be missed!

Junior Inter-area relay start line 2019

Juniors from the three Scottish regions of  East, North and West come together and, amongst the friendly rivalry, get to know juniors from within their own region as well as others from the different regions.   The weekend consists of a relay event on the Saturday, an overnight stay with food and entertainment followed by an individual event on the Sunday.

Each region takes turns to host the event.  It was last hosted by North in 2019 when 105 juniors took part and North overcame their rivals to reclaim the trophy.  

This year West are hosting the event with the relay on Saturday 3rd September being held in Blackspout, just outside Pitlochry, and hostels booked for overnight accommodation within Pitlochry followed by the individual event at Grandtully on Sunday 4th September. There will be an opportunity for those adults accompanying the juniors to get a run after the juniors run on Sunday

The question for all the juniors is can North who have been the dominant force in recent years reclaim the trophy or will East or West (following the success of FVO at the Jamie Stevenson Trophy) be able to wrestle the trophy from their grasp?

North Juniors reclaim trophy 2019