Launch of Gold Club Accreditation, Student Scheme and Updates

The SOA club accreditation scheme was first launched 18 months ago at Bronze and Silver level and we are pleased now to be able to launch the Gold scheme, alongside these awards.

Nine Scottish clubs (BASOC, CLYDE, ECKO, ESOC, INT, MAROC, MOR, RR, TAY) have now achieved their bronze award with a further six currently very close to submission. Three clubs have also gone on to achieve their silver level (BASOC, ESOC and MAROC) award. RDOs are continuing to work with other clubs to help move them towards submission for their bronze accreditation.

The Gold award will be a mark of excellence for any club to achieve and it is anticipated that most clubs may take some time to achieve the goal. It is hoped that it will help motivate clubs to aim high and we are confident that the rewards will be reaped by clubs that accept the challenge.

We are also now launching a modified version of the Bronze accreditation scheme appropriate for University clubs, in recognition of their important contribution to supporting orienteering opportunities for young adults. We hope that several University clubs will work towards this mark of quality.

In launching the Gold award we have also taken an opportunity to reflect on the criteria for the Bronze and Silver schemes, taking on board feedback from clubs. Clubs that are currently part way through their award submission may either choose to continue with the previous form up until end June 2020, or else submit using the revised versions. Updated versions of each level are available on the accreditation page.

Clubs that have already achieved Bronze or Silver accreditation will undertake a brief health check one year after the award is made, with a more comprehensive review after 3 years. This will be undertaken by the club’s RDO.