Local and Regional Events Get the Green Light!

We are back! Local and Regional events can resume with immediate effect! Following the First Minister’s announcement last Thursday we have worked closely with sportscotland to gain approval for the return of local and regional events.

“From the 24 August 2020 outdoor contact sport training, activity and competition in an organised setting may resume with a maximum of 30 people taking part in any one session. ”

Please take a few moments to read our Scottish Orienteering Guidelines

Scottish Orienteering Reactivation Phase 3 26082020 FINAL

Event Guidelines

We have put together updated event guidelines which we hope will support clubs taking that next step to the reactivation of orienteering events. For some that may be hosting their first local event alongside other clubs or to organising the first regional event since lockdown started in March.

COVID19 SOA Event Guidance 26082020 FINAL

Coaching Risk Assessment Updated

Coaching can now resume with less restrictions. We welcome the changes to simplify our guidelines for clubs on groups sizes and specific rules for specific age groups. We expect coaches to maintain coaching ratios outlined within the Coaching Risk Assessment, this has been updated to support clubs to resume coaching activities

Support from Scottish Orienteering

We are keen to hear from any club with a desire to start planning for events. If you wish support with any aspect of event organisation please contact our Event Manager: colin.matheson@scottish-orienteering.org

If you have questions about the guidelines please contact Fiona@scottish-orienteering.org

Should your club have challenges gaining access permission for events, please do let us know. The Scottish Government has published details on outdoor sports events available here which should support access applications and discussions.