Making the most of WOC 2024 – Opportunity for feedback

As part of the “Making the Most of WOC2024” project being undertaken by Baroudeur Consultancy on behalf of SOA and BOF, you are invited to join the Baroudeur team for an update on their research so far.

The team will

– Share initial insights and themes from their interviews and survey

– Give the opportunity to feed back on some early ideas and areas for development

– Update on progress, next steps and opportunities to get involved

– Finish with an opportunity to ask questions

On the day simply click the link below and ask to join the relevant call:

Making the Most of WOC – Scottish version
Monday, 20 February · 7:00 – 7:50pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3957 2108‬ PIN: ‪345 333 984‬#

Making the Most of WOC – UK (non-Scottish) version
Thursday, 23 February · 7:00 – 7:50pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3957 2108‬ PIN: ‪345 333 984‬#

Any questions or issues please contact

Please join the team to help.