Maprun training

Lots of changes and improvements to MapRun have happened in the past few years so we are delighted to be able to offer a practical workshop August 19th in Edinburgh run by Sarah Dunn.

This will be at  SportScotland Caledonia House, 1 Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh EH12 9DQ

Interested? BOOK HERE

There have been a number of updates and changes since Maprun was first set up. It is now simpler in many ways to set up courses and share them and it is possible for clubs to have administrators within their own clubs to set them up, after some training.

This workshop is for those interested both those interested in learning how to create courses on MapRun, and those looking to refresh themselves on developments and learn the skills to upload courses to the console for their club. 

The workshop is in two parts. The first part focuses on setting up courses and the second practical part looks at what is involved in taking this to the next stage and being ready to do this for your club.

The workshop will be delivered by Sarah Dunn and will include some follow up support to ensure those that want to become Maprun Admin people for their clubs. 

The workshop can be attended as a half day (11am -1:00pm) or a full day between 11am-4pm and costs £10 half day and £15 for the full day per person. 

We are investigating how feasible it is to run zoom at the same time so let us know if this option interests you. No guarantees on this one!

Places are limited and priority will go to those who book for a full day place. BOOK via this link