New Version of MapRun App Now Available

A new version of MapRun – MapRun6 has been released and is now available for download from your smartphone app Store. It has been released as a separate App, “MapRun6”, so that it can co-exist with MapRunF as it is progressively adopted by users. If your club has been benefitting from using MapRun then please consider making a donation towards the development and operation of the app.

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Introducing Euan

Hi everyone, my name is Euan Baird and I’m delighted to be completing a work placement with Scottish Orienteering as part of my undergraduate degree at the University of Stirling. I’m currently in my fourth year of BA (hons) Sports Studies and I’ll be assisting Scottish Orienteering with various grassroots projects they’re running. I’m excited to get started and looking forward to this challenge.  

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Let’s Make Time To Talk

With the First Minister announcing yesterday that lockdown is set to continue until the end of the month and the pressures of working at home, furlough, home schooling can feel endless. This is further challenged by the current restrictions on our usual outlets socially and also physically through our beloved orienteering and other sports/outdoor pursuits. We recognise that dealing with lockdown can be tough, regardless of age and that staying at home is likely to be having an impact on most people’s mental health to some extent. We encourage all members to Take the Time to Talk on 4th February

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Two Exciting Paid Development Contracts Go Out for Tender

We are delighted to be in a position to offer a paid opportunity for someone to coordinate and deliver 8 sessions in Dundee and in Lochaber. Both projects are pilot schemes which are being managed by Sarah Dunn in her Development Manager role. They offer the SOA an exciting opportunity to broaden it’s development work in areas which have been identified as having potential and sit firmly in our current priority area of developing sustainable partnerships with Local Authorities, Leisure Trusts and Active Schools teams.

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Introducing Amy

Hello, my name is Amy McCafferty and I am excited to be getting the chance to gain volunteer experience with Scottish Orienteering as part of my degree programme at Stirling University. I am in my fourth year studying BA (Hons) Sports Studies and have taken the opportunity to do a workplace placement focusing on Safeguarding in sport. I am looking forward to learning and working with Scottish Orienteering.

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ScotJos Update

With many restrictions in place in 2020 and lockdown to start 2021, ScotJos have used this opportunity to host a series of workshops (remotely). Recently we had a sports psychology presentation, Alban Dickson and Chris Hartley have done some work with us in the past (during the Scottish Spring weekend in Fife in April 2019). We felt it would be good to further expand the idea of sports psychology to the juniors as a way of helping them to improve their ability to handle stressful situations and critical races.

ScotJos Squad 2021
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What is a Coach? Join in the discussion

Denise Martin is facilitating a fascinating panel discussion as part of the British Orienteering Coaching Conference of 2021. We have had great engagement so far from Scottish based coaches and we hope more of you will join this discussion. All details of how to sign up below.

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CWPS – News

Coaching Qualifications
Safeguarding – Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sports (CWPS)

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Lochaber 2021 Progressing Despite Lockdown

The 1st January saw the launch of Lochaber 2021 with entries coming in from across the UK with those keen to take advantage of the early entry prices. This year more than ever we look forward to welcoming you to a spectacular part of the country and we are excited to be able to offer excellent programme of orienteering events between 1st and 7th August. More details about Lochaber 2021 are available on the Scottish 6 Days website. Get excited and get planning your trip for the 23rd Scottish 6 Days multi-day holiday event. It promises to be a highlight in the orienteering calendar this year!

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