Phase 3 Guidelines and Event Guidance Goes Live!

We would like to thank you all for your patience as we sought to gain approval for our Phase 3 guidelines for orienteering activities and for the SOA event guidance documents to support the reactivation of events in Scotland.

We are delighted to share with you our guidelines and guidance notes to allow clubs to plan for club activities, coaching and also club only (local) events (with some restrictions in place).

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Score photo competition 2020 enter now

Are you a keen photographer? We are looking for your orienteering photos of any aspect of the sport – action, club social, podium or humorous.  Hungry to compete! Glory and publication awaits!

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Forward looking in Phase 2

Following the First Minister’s statement yesterday we will take time to re-consider what activities may be permitted in July as we move through Phase 2 and into Phase 3. We await further clarity on some of the details and subsequent approval of our guidelines as restrictions are gradually reduced.

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Minutes of the AGM 2020

We are pleased to publish the minutes of our recent (virtual) AGM hosted on the 14th June 2020. Thank you to all those who participated and submitted proxy votes.

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Upcoming MapRunF Workshops

Learn how to use the MapRunF app at our Beginners Workshop or join the MapRunF Discussion Workshop to share innovative ideas with others.

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Phase 2 Reactivation Guidance

We welcome the First Minister’s announcement yesterday in terms of a move through the route map process. We recognise and take seriously our collective responsibility to do what we can to continue to supress the spread of the virus.  We understand that public health and wellbeing remains the most pressing priority as a nation. With travel restrictions for leisure still roughly at 5miles this has meant there is little in the way of change in terms of permitted orienteering activities in Scotland.  It was again emphasised that we are not yet in a ‘return to sport’ phase but instead a further extension of exercise guidelines.

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Alive and kicking

How apt that the Jamie Stevenson Trophy is a horse as this year our ‘alternative’ event was alive and kicking!
We set a challenge for young people to devise and run a course that included nine orienteering features and send in a selfie from their favourite control. In addition, as an extra challenge we asked if they could design a course in the shape of a horse.

VIDEO of all the JSA contributions now available here. What an impressive set of entries!

Winning entry from Catriona Chapman MAROC
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Announcement of President’s Medal Recipients

2020 was the most difficult year yet to decide on the winners of the President’s Medal to be awarded by Richard Oxlade (Acting President) following some fantastic nominations from across the country. This year the President’s Medal has been awarded to Janet Clark (ESOC) for her commitment and contribution to the sport.

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