Jamie Stevenson Alternative

Recognising and celebrating our juniors!

Photo call , map challenge and more, with a focus on juniors.

  1. Send in photos/memories now
  2. Participate in a Map Challenge starting 7th June
  3. Attend a virtual Prize Giving 14th June
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Update on Scottish 6 Days Lochaber 2021

The Scottish Orienteering 6-Day Event Company has been keeping under review the progress of the next 6-day event in view of the threat posed by the Corona virus. At present, the intention is to go ahead with the event in Lochaber provided that travel and social distancing restrictions have been sufficiently lifted to enable the event to safely take place and that holding the event would not pose a risk to public health or to competitors or volunteers’ health and safety.

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Phase 1 Scottish Orienteering Guidelines

During lockdown the SOA has been working closely with sportscotland and the Scottish Governing Bodies of the other outdoor sports to create a plan for how our activities can resume once lockdown starts to ease. Following the First Minister’s announcement yesterday we are pleased to be in a position to share Phase 1 of our Route Map for Orienteering reactivation.

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AGM 14th June Final Details

Just a matter of weeks until our AGM and we wanted to give all members an opportunity to make their voice heard. We have created an online proxy voting form (see in full article) and a link to sign up to be online with us to vote in person on 14th June at 7pm.

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Mindset, High Altitude and Adventure – 16 June, Social Evening

As our way to say thanks to you, please join Roxburgh Reivers and WOC 2024 Event Director Paul McGreal hosting Prof Chris Imray, mountaineer, seven summiteer and surgeon
discussing Everest, oxygen research, adventures, challenges and a strong mindset for
endurance activities.

Paul at work

Discussing expeditions, endurance events, research on oxygen & physiology at high altitude and top tips for developing a strong mindset, join Paul leading us through Chris’s presentation http://www.case-medicine.co.uk/Chris-Imray with Q and A’s to follow. Bound to be an interesting evening. Don’t miss out.

Chris Imray on Elbrus, Russia

16 June 7:30-9 pm Register here by 12 June https://forms.gle/14NUxZzcoKGmLSFR7 Thanks Denise

The Route Map Out of Lockdown

Following the Scottish Government publication of Scotland’s route map from lockdown , we will now consider how each phase has implications for orienteering in Scotland. Today’s news is obviously very welcome however we would remind all members that until 28th May when we receive further guidance from the Scottish Government the current restrictions in Scotland remain in place.

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