Outdoor Health initiative promotes safe practice in outdoor activity

The Scottish Government is keen to promote messages about risks to health but not in a way that deters occasional or regular outdoor activities.  Following feedback from the workshop expect a campaign some time in the future.

Some video links of relevance can be seen here (Dan Bell, Vlogger and Outdoor Expert):

Communication Changes in SOA

As you will be aware there have been a number of changes to the staffing team within the SOA office in the recent  weeks.  Today we say goodbye to Sarah Hobbs after two years as our communications and marketing guru. Read More…

SOA launches Silver Accreditation for orienteering clubs

The Silver level of the Scottish Orienteering Accreditation Scheme builds on what’s been achieved in Bronze and adds in a few new elements to further develop as a club. The criteria is available below this article and you can see more information on the accreditation scheme in our launch news item here.

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Green Cake & Goodbyes for Rona & Hilary

What better way to wish our colleagues farewell than some home-baked ‘green cake’? Despite initial reservations the staff team can confirm that pistachio and spinach is an excellent combination when topped with pine tree icing….recipe courtesy of Sarah Hobbs and who knows it may even feature in the next SCORE magazine!

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New operations team meets for first time

The new Operations Team led by Keith Roberts had their inaugural meeting in Edinburgh and thanks go to the Competitions Coordinator (Mark Nixon), Fixtures Secretary (Paul Caban) and Sally Lindsay (Trophies Coordinator) for their input. Staff member Colin Matheson was also present.

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