Parents welcome too….

This years Inter-areas competition for Juniors is fast approaching. We would love to see more parents join us on 3rd/4th September at Pitlochry. There are a number of twin rooms available in the hostels so why not team up with some other parents from your club and come and support the Juniors. You get to run too.

Parents come and join us there…in Pitlochry…3rd September.

Contact your area co-ordinators for more information. For the North Sue Barrie MAROC/James Laird INVOC; East Claire Ward INT/ Katherine Ivory ESOC and West Roger and Dawn Goddard FVO or speak to someone in your club. Entries close THIS SUNDAY. Enter via this link – wide range of colour coded courses in a great area at Grandtully near Pitlochry. For more information on the Inter-areas competition check out this link.