Phase 1 Scottish Orienteering Guidelines

During lockdown the SOA has been working closely with sportscotland and the Scottish Governing Bodies of the other outdoor sports to create a plan for how our activities can resume once lockdown starts to ease. Following the First Minister’s announcement yesterday we are pleased to be in a position to share Phase 1 of our Route Map for Orienteering reactivation.

We are mindful of our responsibility to provide guidelines in line with Scottish Government “Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis” relating to COVID-19. The Scottish Government website page on exercise sets out the current guidance. It is key that we engage with the government guidance and behave in a responsible manner as we prioritise the safety of those who may be most vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19.

Scottish Orienteering Phase 1 Guidelines

Scottish Orienteering Phase 1 - MASTER FINAL- 29052020