Report from the Scottish Veteran Home Internationals Team in Wales

It was close but not close enough. Well done to England retaining the overall trophy for the Veteran Home Internationals .

VHI 2022
Scottish VHI Team Photo Credit: Fran Loots

After the individual we were 6 points down but the depth of the English team showed through in the relays. Nonetheless we managed first place on the women Men women combination with a cracking final leg from Kirsten Strain and we took second place on the men women men combination.

Kirsten Strain VHI relay finish
Kirsten Strain winning relay finish Photo Credit: Fran Loots
VHI Winning Relay Team
VHI Winning Relay Team: Roger Goddard, Kirsten Strain and Janice Nesbit Photo Credit: Fran Loots

Strong performances in the individuals too with us gaining full points in W50 with a win for Becky Osborn and second place for Cathy Tilbrook both@FVO.

The threat of a storm for the individual event the weather proved less challenging than technical hitches which delayed the starts. Putting on the VHI is a big ask for a small nation so thanks to Wales @eryri @MWOC for an enjoyable weekend on tough open terrain.

Thanks to team managers Brian and Janice Nisbet @ESOC for pulling us together and getting some great new tops too sponsored by Fergusson Law.

Results can be found at VHI 2022 Results

Relay Watching Photo Credit: Fran Loots
Mens First Leg Relay Start Photo Credit: Fran Loots
Debrief Photo Credit: Fran Loots