Score photo competition 2021 enter now

Are you a keen photographer? Or do you love getting action shots? or the details that make a local event so special. We are looking for your orienteering photos of any aspect of our sport – action, event, club social, podium or humorous.  Hungry to compete! Glory* and publication awaits!

*One of the photos highly commended last year won CompassSport cover of the year 2020!

STOP PRESS: deadline now extended!

Competition winners will appear in Score SOA’s magazine in August and/or December. And there are also prizes for the best Junior and best Senior photo. Our guest judges for 2021 are the Wilson family – Stephen (M55), Rachel (W55), Thomas (aka Tam) (M21), Emma (W21) and Alice (W20) – as featured in our April Score.

Colin Brash’s winning photo 2020 as chosen by our judge Kirstin Maxwell

Deadline is the 23rd August 2021 at midday. We have extended to give you a chance to send in photos from Coasts & Islands and the Scottish 6 days or wherever you may be orienteering! Plenty of time to capture an orienteering moment in an event or training run or at your club. Send all entries – a maximum of 6 photos – to

We can’t wait to see what you will send us this year!


  • Very happy for you to send us older photos!
  • All photos sent are for publication and must be your own work.
  • If there are juniors in your pictures, make sure that we will have appropriate permissions to publish.