ScotJOS Selections 2022/23

Congratulations to the following juniors who have been selected to be part of the Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad (ScotJOS) for 2022/23.

The ScotJOS team are looking forward to working with the new squad members to support their orienteering development and we hope to have a lot of fun along the way as well as plenty of hard work.    

ScotJOS 2022/23

Adam Barrie                     (MAROC)

Alexander Hunt                (FVO)

Alice Kemsley                   (BASOC)

Angus Laird                       (INVOC)

Calum Robertson             (ESOC)

Catriona Chapman          (MAROC)

Charlotte Burton             (INVOC)

Daisy McNamara             (AYROC)

Douglas McDonald          (INVOC)

Ellie Darlow                      (RR)

Emily Atkinson                 (ELO)

Esme Kelly                         (FVO)

Ewan Bennett                   (MAROC)

Finlay McLuckie               (MOR)

Finn Selmer Duguid         (TAY)

Iona Scott                          (INVOC)

Iris MacMillan                  (ECKO)

Isobel Howard                  (MOR)

James Hammond             (FVO)

Jonas Newey                    (MAROC)

Kate McLuckie                  (MOR)

Katie Hensman                 (FVO)

Laurence Ward                (INT)

Maja Robertson               (ESOC)

Matthew Inman               (FVO)

Megan Brown                  (ESOC)

Michael Bishenden         (MOR)

Ranolph Whitehead        (MAROC)

Rebecca Hammond         (FVO)

Rory Black                         (INVOC)

Ruari Cottier                     (ECKO)

Ruth Gooch                      (MAROC)

Sam Hunt                           (FVO)

Scarlett Britain                 (MOR)

Scarlett Kelly                     (FVO)

Sophie Howard                (MOR)

Yann Newey       (MAROC)