Scottish 6 Days sixth and final day report

Grandtully has previously been connected with canoeing the rapids but there was a new type of downhill race with the final day of Strathearn 2019 in close proximity to the river. For yet another day the weather held out and the Middle Distance race was a fantastic finale to what has been a hugely successful Scottish 6 Days.

“If I had wings I could fly!”

This is a good time for me (a paid employee) to thank all those volunteers who gave up so much of their time to make this event such a success.  David Nicol is singled out for his hard work as both Entries Secretary and as the Day Coordinator – bringing some sort of semblance of order and continuity throughout the week.

Mr Fixit – Day Coordinator Dave Nicol.

Will Hensman (and his many helpers) in IT was also awesome, not a word to be taken lightly.  He provided a fantastic computing service (working with Fabian4) and  also won four days of M40L whilst remaining upbeat and positive.

Will Hensman – the man behind the IT setup.

Sam Gomershall as final Day Organiser coped admirably with the various changes of plans – most of them involving what might go up or down the steep hill.  Brad Connor lays claim to having gone up and down the hill 14 times – can anyone beat that?

From my perspective this has been one of the best Scottish 6 Days yet – there was a huge variety of different terrain types, different race formats (two Middle Distance) and the successful trialling of new technology (to us) of Livestreaming and GPS tracking of various classes. Your feedback is very important to us so please look out for the questionnaire (by email) or email me

Katherine Bett – the voice behind the livestream

We look forward to seeing many of you at Lochaber 2021, based near Fort William and preliminary information is at

Day organiser Sam and Deputy First Minister of Scotland, John Swinney
Day organiser Sam and Deputy First Minister of Scotland, John Swinney.

Preparations for the Sprint World Orienteering Championships 2022 in Edinburgh are also underway and these fall under the auspices of the Scottish Orienteering 6-Day Event Co Ltd with myself as Assistant Event Director.

Keith Roberts - helping broadcast the Scottish 6 Days to the world via satellite
Keith Roberts – helping broadcast the Scottish 6 Days to the world via satellite.

As they say around here – Haste ye Back!

– Colin Matheson

The final day arena during the event…
…The final day arena, once everyone had gone home.