SOA Funding Support to Clubs

There have been some great development ideas put forward by clubs to the SOA Development Fund and Restart Coaching Support Fund and we are delighted to be helping clubs to move a number of these projects forward. Further funding is still available and we would like to encourage other clubs to consider how they could benefit from putting together some similar project plans. Applications will therefore still be welcomed to both the SOA Development Fund and Restart Coaching Support Fund 2021 up until 30th June 2021.

Don’t forget also that the Orienteering Foundation also has funds available to support orienteering and there is a portion of this which is ring-fenced for Scottish applications, especially where it can be used towards supporting the “developing orienteer” i.e. youth and young adults up to around 25 years old.

Please contact for further information or to discuss or submit proposals.

Below is an overview of the projects that SOA funding has supported so far this year:

Development Fund

Invoc – Weekly junior training programme. Support to help develop a more sustainable future for Invoc junior club training by assisting with training costs for new coaches and purchasing additional training equipment

Basoc – Short-term club researcher / funding officer. Support to engage a professional to research and apply for funding that would enable longer term employment of a Club Development Officer. The CDO role would be to engage with local schools, through Active Schools and other groups, with the aim of recruiting and retaining at least 50 club members across a 4-5 year contract period

Clyde – Club website upgrade. Full rebuild and upgrade of ageing website to help re-energise the club through improving its online presence.

EckO – Volunteer Development Mapping Project. To support and mentor members/volunteers by facilitating practical mapping workshops and on-line theoretical mapping sessions. As well as the practical value of equipping volunteers with new skills, the workshops are enabling EckO members to connect and enthuse about various aspects of orienteering, thereby nurturing club spirit.

Restart Coaching Support Fund

Maroc – Building a sustainable club coaching programme. This project will engage a professional coach to develop a set of progressive training plans for club coaching at all levels. The resource will help support developing club coaches to build confidence in taking a lead role in planning and delivering sessions. The first two sessions using the resources and mentoring new coaches will be put into practice after the summer holidays. The coaching resources will be made available for other clubs to use.

Invoc – Back to basics coaching for adults. This project is aimed at re-invigorating Invoc’s adult membership and kick starting activities within the club following Covid. A professional coach is being employed to offer training for TD4/5 level orienteers with the aim of getting them back orienteering and with a wider objective to increase the pool of adults willing to take on volunteer roles for the club.

EckO – Development of junior club training programme. The aim is to develop a sustainable model for junior training through running a Coaching Foundation course to involve more members in coaching and then mentoring them to deliver some sessions for the club’s growing number of juniors, whilst also piloting roll-out of the SOA Star Award scheme.