SOA Support The Manifesto for the Outdoors

Ahead of next year’s Holyrood elections, Scottish Orienteering supports the draft ‘Manifesto for the Outdoors’ alongside several of the most influential voices in Scottish outdoor recreation. 

Together, we want to encourage politicians to ensure that outdoor recreation is fully supported, so that everyone across Scotland shares the benefits of being active in the natural environment; particularly as we re-build the economy after COVID-19.

The draft manifesto states: “We need long term, sustained investment in infrastructure, facilities, organisations, education and skills training, and the national leadership to champion outdoor recreation at all levels so it can fully deliver across many policy areas. 

“Our organisations already work hard to support, promote and deliver outdoor recreation to many people in Scotland. But we believe that even with modest increased investment we can make a proportionately greater impact for everyone’s benefit.”

Key asks include calls for: 

  • An Outdoor Recreation Champion within government to ensure all divisions understand the role outdoor recreation can play in delivering their policies. 
  • Full recognition of the wide ranging and valuable contributions made by outdoor recreation across all of society.
  • Long-term investment in and support for the sector so that everyone, everywhere can enjoy all the benefits of being active outdoors in a way which respects the environment and nature while continuing to support our economy. 

The manifesto has been developed by Ramblers Scotland, Mountaineering Scotland, British Horse Society (Scotland), Cycling UK, ScotWays and Scottish Canoe Association. It is also supported by Scottish Countryside Rangers Association and Scottish Wild Land Group.

We will continue to consult partners on the document ahead of the final manifesto being published. Comments from members are also welcomed and should be sent to

You can read the draft manifesto here:

SORA Manifesto 2021 final draft v2 (1)