Take Action on Mental Health

What an inspiring morning spent at the launch of ‘Take Action’, the next phase of Scotland’s Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity & Sport. Proud that Scottish Orienteering is a signatory to the charter.

Abby Cook from Forth Valley Disability Sports and Professor Nanette Mutrie chat about the benefits of physical activity for mental health

The next phase ‘Take Action’ was endorsed by The Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport Maree Todd along with other dignitaries.

Most inspiring though, was the chance to hear the lived experiences of sports people and sports groups who have piloted the next stage of action which include practical tools and resources. What struck me most was the importance emphasised of being ‘more intentional’ in raising the topic of mental health so that discussions are opened up and it is acceptable and ‘normalised’ to talk about how we are feeling, good days, bad days and the importance of these conversations starting with young people.

It is great to know that the strong links and benefits between mental health and physical activity are now more widely recognised and also that a range of tools and resources are being developed. This next phase is about moving beyond words to ‘Take Action’.

SAMH has created new materials and resources designed for clubs and community organisations to support people living with mental health problems into exercise, as well as working towards the four Charter commitments – Promote, Collaborate, Include and Reflect.  Examples of the projects they have been supporting are here.

Scottish Wheelchair Basketball – team players in action. Such skill.

It was also fun trying out some sports with a focus on inclusivity and speaking with regular participants from a range of different sports where conversations around mental health are a normalised part of what they do.