Ten Scottish Orienteering Young Leaders “graduate” in Aboyne

On Saturday 24th August, 10 more young orienteers completed a day of Scottish Orienteering Young Leader training, led by Sarah Dunn and Denise Martin.

Aboyne was the setting for the course and the participants represented MOR, FVO, TAY and MAROC juniors. The intention of the SOYL course is to develop leadership skills and ignite an early interest in mentoring, through helping coaching and facilitating orienteering experiences for other young people. SOYL was created a few years back and, with growing interest through schools, is developing into a course which reaches a broader audience than just orienteering youth.

The core components of the course include understanding leadership roles, how to apply practical application of ‘mentoring and teaching’ for your club or within your school and how to inspire and encourage peers inside and outside the sport. The key core value running through all of this is personal development through confidence building. It’s a full, fun day.

If you’re interested in knowing more or would like a SOYL course in your area, please contact your Regional Development Office or Denise Martin, via denise@scottish-orienteering.org.

Fortrose Academy will be the next course location in early September with interest in Elgin and Speyside as well.  It is exciting to see a heightened interest in this course and exceptionally rewarding to part of its creation and delivery.