The East and West Area Squads are Teaming up

Last Saturday we had our first joint training session for the West (SWAT) and East (ESOA) area regional training squads. The regional squads are for juniors TD3 and above. The aim of the regional squads is to let juniors have fun and make friends through orienteering. The training took place at Galamuir led by SWAT coach Roger Goddard. The FVO stars TD1-2 also joined in with the training. The FVO Stars will go on to join SWAT once they are TD3. 

At the start of the session the juniors broke into four different coaching groups: FVO stars, TD3, TD4 and Adults. The SWAT and ESOA squads worked on simplification and relocation. The relocation exercise was very tricky with a few very well hidden fences and earth walls making the exercise challenging. Despite the woods being described as ‘disgusting’ by an enthusiastic SWAT member there were lots of smiles and lots of learning.  

TD3 Group working on Simplification

After a morning of orienteering exercises the training groups came together for lunch. As we were having lunch there were quite a few orienteers running around as FVO had an event on at Galamuir at the same time as the training. 

A lovely lunch spot!

In the afternoon all the training groups came together for some relay practice. There were three legs in the relay, each leg was suited to a different TD level. To create the teams everyone lined up in height order. It was great to have mixed teams and for the older and younger juniors to work together. 

Coach Roger Goddard helping to create the relay teams 

On your marks, get set, go! The first leg runners charging into the forest. 

After this weekend’s relay practice the North Area better watch out at Interareas! The West and East Area squads are working together and looking strong! Thanks to all the coaches and volunteers for making this a brilliant day for all involved.