The Young People’s Sport Panel is now recruiting!

The Young People’s Sport Panel has applications open for its seventh cohort of members. If you’re aged 14-23, living in Scotland and you’re passionate about sport then this could be a great opportunity to get involved.

The panel provides a platform for young people to influence sport across Scotland, by ensuring their voices are heard and valued. It allows them to influence decision making and drive change for the outcome of a better sporting experience for all young people in Scotland. Those who are accepted onto the panel will sit on it for 2 years and it will not only give them numerous opportunities to influence sport, but they will also get to learn and practice their skills in communication, teamwork and much more.

If you or a young person you know might be excited about this opportunity then head over to the SportScotland website to find out more. There, you can learn about experiences of past panel members and find out about the application process.