To Birnam Hill all but SOLWAY flocked!

The weather was kind to all those clubs who joined Forth Valley Orienteers (FVO) at Birnam Hill near Dunkeld for the 2024 Compass Sport Cup/ Trophy qualifying competition.

The sun is beginning to find its warmth and those who ventured to the far start up the edge of the mountain bike trails were rewarded (if they remembered to look) by some glorious views out across the Tay valley.

A view from near the summit Photo credit: Colin Matheson

As the only club in Scotland eligible to compete in the Compass Sport Cup, Forth Valley Orienteers just had to field a team and they have qualified for the final being hosted by Pendle Forest Orienteers in the north west of England on 20th October 2024.

The Start Photo Credit: Colin Matheson

For all other clubs they were trying to qualify for the Compass Sport Trophy for smaller clubs. With the top three clubs qualifying for the final there were some tense moments as Interlopers (INT), Inverness Orienteering Club (INVOC) and Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club (ESOC) claimed their place in the final which will be held alongside the Compass Sport Cup final.

Each runner gains points for their club according to their place on the course they were running. If one of your team mates won their category then they took 100 points, 2nd place got 99 points and so on with the top thirteen club places counting. It was close with the top three clubs only being separated by 30 points and only 4 points between 2nd and 3rd! It was even closer for 4th and 5th with just one point separating Moravian Orienteering Club (MOR) and Mar Orienteering Club (MAROC).

Solway Orienteering Club (SOLWAY) opted to visit Helsington Barrows near Kendal which was closer to home and there were quite different views out but they seemed to have enjoyed their event as much as those further north.

Helsington Barrows Photo Credit: Solway
Some of the SOLWAY team to venture south

Well done to all those that took part and those clubs which qualified for the final in October. Thanks go to Forth Valley Orienteers for hosting the event and all those that volunteered to help with special thanks to Simon Hunt for planning, Paul Hammond for organising and Roger Scrutton (ESOC) for controlling.