Update: Who needs to be PVG registered in orienteering?

We are looking forward to hosting the second of the Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport courses on 22nd February and were delighted to get good feedback following the first course earlier this month. There are some spaces left on the courses on the 9th and 18th March, so if you are interested please do sign up here

One question which we were asked to clarify following the course was who needed a PVG within orienteering in Scotland?

A few points to note, the disclosure system still operates in England and therefore the requirements around PVG for coaches and volunteers is a devolved matter for Scottish Orienteering. The SOA Board of Directors took the decision, following discussion, early in 2021 to amend the guidance on the requirements to coach orienteering within Scotland in favour of making having a PVG through Scottish Orienteering mandatory. We are now in process of communicating this change and to simplify the process of obtaining a PVG or getting an update with electronic forms.

For clarification, previously it was only mandatory for those who were working with young people (under 18 years of age) on a regular basis and/or who could be in a position of having sole responsibility for a group of young people to have a PVG. This is classed as ‘regulated work’. Those coaching adults were not required to have a PVG. However, the decision now requires ALL active coaches to have a PVG with Scottish Orienteering to protect the reputation of our sport and ensure we have confidence that it is a safe sport for everyone.  The majority of active coaches already have their PVG in place.

How To Get A PVG? Or Do I Need To Do An Update?

Hopefully we can answer a few questions on how to get a PVG here:

If you need to join the Protecting Vulnerable Groups scheme, you may or may not previously have had a disclosure check but if you do not have PVG reference number you need to complete this process. The form is available electronically or if you prefer a paper form, this is available through your Club Welfare Officer.

If you have a PVG through your employer, another sport or another organisation, you simply need to complete an update form which can be done electronically here

Do Volunteers Need A PVG?

Now onto volunteers within our sport. A currently review of the PVG scheme has recommended some PVG system changes to the Scottish Parliament. One of these concerns volunteers who have regular access to young people or vulnerable adults, where trust can be established: they should also need to participate in the PVG scheme. Another is to move to updating PVG details and accreditation every 5 years. The recommendations have yet to be addressed so the time frame for implementation is unknown. They are likely to have implications for our sport and to require a number of volunteers to obtain a PVG registration.

Achieving ALL active coaches having a PVG registered with Scottish Orienteering is our first step to ensure compliance and provide the best possible platform for a secure and safe sport.

Any questions please do contact Lead Safeguarding Officer, Fiona Keir by email Fiona@scottish-orienteering.org