Updated Guidance Published 7th December 2020

Due to changes in the travel legislation there has been some amendments to our SOA guidance on orienteering activities and events. This guidance will be issued to Club Covid Officers and we advise any questions be directed to Fiona@Scottish-orienteering.org We have outlined below all changes that have been made to highlight those areas which have changed.

The full text and guidance document can be downloaded here:

SOA 5 Level Guidance 07122020 v5

The new risk assessment for mappers, planner and controllers to undertake work on behalf of clubs, Scottish Orienteering and/or Scottish 6 Days which may require travel outwith their local Government area can be downloaded here:

Planner Controller Mapper Risk assessment 07122020

There have been a number of changes to the guidance previously published on 24th November, these include:

  • Travel for participants aged 17 and under
  • Travel for participants aged 18 and over in Level 4 areas
  • Mapper, controllers and planners with a new risk assessment to be signed by club covid officers to permit travel out of level 3 and 4 areas.