Volunteer week 2024 – day 1

Our first volunteer is a coach whose efforts over the years have underpinned the success of one of our biggest clubs – Nicola Melville of FVO

Jen Leonard, chair of FVO had this to say about her:

Nicola reinitiated FVO Stars, our club’s junior coaching programme, after the covid lockdowns and the group has gone from strength to strength ever since. It’s so popular that we even have a waiting list! The coaching is structured along the Scottish Orienteering stars skills charts for ages 7-13 and is held on a monthly basis, often combined with local weekend events. Nicola has been leading the Level 2 group, along with coach Ian Hendrie leading Level 1, and coaches Jen Leonard and Ross McLennan leading on Level 3, all supported by various other FVO coaches and young coaching assistants, including Sam Hunt, Grace Polwart, Alexander Hunt and Peter Owen. Parents are required to attend with their juniors: experienced parent orienteers help the less experienced, whilst newcomer parents get to learn orienteering along with their junior. The emphasis is definitely on having fun whilst learning the basic skills. Many of the FVO Stars have now graduated up to the Scottish West Area Team to progress beyond Level 3 – you will see many of them at our FVO team at the Jamie Stevenson Trophy event soon.

Thank-you Nicola for all you have done for the sport.

Every day this week we will be featuring other volunteers who have made a real difference to their club and the sport. It’s not too late to nominate your volunteer. Simply fill in the form and send a photo to suzanne@scottish-orienteering.org