We Have A New SCORE Editor!

A very warm welcome to Bridget Khursheed (Roxburgh Reivers) who has taken on the mantle of being SCORE Editor. Watch out for her first edition in April!

Not only has Bridget agreed to do SCORE for SOA but she was recently been co-opted by the Board of Directors as the Communications Director. Bridget will be supporting SOA Staff and volunteers with ensuring a consistent message across our platforms and will clarify what we can do with our communications given our limited professional capacity now that Paul Rayner has moved on from the position of Communications and Marketing.

Bridget Khursheed

“I am delighted to be working with the SOA Board and the whole team.”

Experience Bridget brings to the role

Bridget is Global Documentation Manager at KAL ATM Software GmbH based in Edinburgh. An information design, content and elearning specialist, Bridget has extensive experience in agile software documentation, video development and communications. She has qualifications from the University of Oxford in both English and Computing and recently completed the GCHQ-accredited MSc in Advanced Security and Digital Forensics at Edinburgh Napier University. Throughout her career she has worked to ensure the right information is available to the user at the right time (and that includes making sure such effort is sustainable for the communicator preparing the information). This goal can be evidenced in her successful project management of the University of Oxford’s first online course, developing the first intranets at companies like Eurostar and John Laing through to creating the Roxburgh Reivers Twitter feed; sometimes it is as low-tech as insisting users receive a laminated card with key steps. 

Bridget is also a poet; she is widely published, a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award winner in poetry and edited the poetry magazine poetandgeek. This “other” profession has given her experience across the range of social media channels, blog and video. She has orienteered for 10 years and always finds herself smiling!

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