Women and Girls in Sport: Lindsay Robertson

Throughout Women and Girls in Sport Week 2019 we’ve highlighted some of our female leaders within orienteering. While it officially finished on Friday we’ve still got a couple more to highlight and here we look at Lindsay Robertson.

Who are you?

Lindsay Robertson
Lindsay Robertson

Lindsay Robertson, a mechanical engineering student at Edinburgh Uni.

How long have you been orienteering?

I’ve been orienteering for as long as can remember but I started to take it a bit more seriously when I was 12 and saw some of my friends get into ScotJOS.

How long have you been leading?

I first did a young leaders coaching course a few years ago and after helping out within EUOC and at a few schools events I decided to upgrade that and become a level 1 coach this summer.

How did you get into becoming a leader? (E.g. what inspired you and what courses you completed)

It started with helping at club events and one off days and because I always enjoyed it I kept volunteering for more things and gradually got more involved until this summer when I joined the EUOC committee and did a coaching course.

What do you enjoy about leading in orienteering?

I really enjoy introducing people to orienteering and helping them improve and discover the sport.

What would you like to achieve in future?

As well as doing some more coaching, I’m looking forward to planning the Edinburgh Big Weekend City Race next year (24th-26th of January – save the date!) I would also like to coach on a JROS summer camp.

What advice would you give to anyone – whatever their gender – about becoming a leader? 

Just get involved it really fun and satisfying. I’ve also found that people are happy to help if you want to try something for the first time so just ask.