Women and Girls in Sport: Rona Molloy

As Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week continues, we’re continuing to highlight women and girls who lead in orienteering, and who support other leaders. Here we look at Forth Valley Orienteers’ Rona Molloy.

Who are you?

Rona Molloy
Rona Molloy

Rona Molloy, mother of Grace and Peter, but also a person in my own right!

How long have you been orienteering?

I started orienteering at school when I was 13.  Our teacher, Mr Marchant at Dollar Academy, used to drive us all over Scotland in a minibus.

How long have you been leading?

I started working as a teacher of Modern Studies in Glasgow, in 1993, and I’ve been taking pupils orienteering ever since then.  More recently, I’ve helped with coaching in my club FVO, and with other groups like the Scottish Junior Squad.

How did you get into becoming a leader?

I completed the UKCC Level 1 Coaching Course in February 2009 at Glenmore Lodge – the snow was up to our thighs in places, which added to the challenge!

What do you enjoy about leading in orienteering?

I like the mix of working with big groups and also with individuals to help them build up confidence and skills.  I like organising big events with lots of young people, and thinking up new ways to have some fun!

What would you like to achieve in future?

I’m not good at goal-setting; my life has so far been very varied, busy and fulfilling and I hope it will continue like this!  I have just started an orienteering club at my school, so I hope to see that become well-established in the future.

What advice would you give to anyone – whatever their gender – about becoming a leader?

Do it!  Be organised, radiate positive energy and don’t worry if you’re not an amazing orienteer – leave that to your protegees!