
An SOA Guide to Mapping for Orienteering in Scotland is currently in preparation. This includes links to the main mapping standards (International Specification for Orienteering Maps or ISOM 2017) and International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps (ISSOM).

Use of base material including Light Detection & Ranging (LiDAR), photogrammetric plots, Ordnance Survey and other data is described. Open Orienteering Mapper and OCAD are the main cartographic packages used following field survey and checking.

ISOM 2017 and ISSOM are currently under review and subject to change.

LiDAR data for Scotland (limited coverage) is now available to download from the Scottish Remote Sensing Portal or alternatively can be supplied in a suitable format from the Events Manager.

Useful Links:

LiDAR data
Georeferenced Routegadget –

Scottish Orienteering Digital Orienteering Map Archive