Junior Home Internationals 2017 – Mid Wales

The Junior Home Internationals for 14,16 and 18-year olds were held in Mid-Wales over the weekend 7th and 8th October.  Despite winning runs including M16 (Matthew Gooch), W14 (Rachel Brown) and W16 (Eilidh Campbell) and other excellent Scottish results England pulled ahead with 80 to Scotland’s 73 points in the Individual competition.  Epic last leg runs from Emma Wilson (girls) and James Ackland (boys) brought Scottish teams home first in BOTH relays and gave us the relay trophy by 4 points (just not quite enough to overturn the 7 point deficit from the individual).

In the Relays 1st and 3rd place for the Boys and 1st place for the Girls meant that the final result was oh so close, England just winning by 3 points overall. Ireland took 3rd place and Wales came in 4th.  This means a clean sweep for Enland in all of this year’s Home Internationals – good luck to everyone selected next time around. Excellent photos of the event on Wendy Carlyle’s Flickr account  or Stephen Wilson’s Flickr.  Full results on the Mid Wales Orienteering Club pages.