Ward Junior Home Internationals 2016

Team Manager’s Report

Well done to all the team and thank you to our supporters over the weekend. Everyone put their all in to both races – and the disco! – and were a credit to Scotland. On Saturday at Simonside we had some excellent results on what was a very physically tough and demanding area.

W14: 1st Lizzie Stansfield FVO
W16: 1st Grace Molloy FVO
W18: 3rd Clare Stansfield FVO

M14: 1st Peter Molloy FVO, 2nd Matthew Gooch MAROC, 3rd Daniel Campbell MOR
M16: 3rd Jake Chapman MAROC
M18: 1st Finlay Todd INVOC

After the individual day we were 7 points adrift from England.

The accommodation was at Riverside Leisure Centre in Morpeth where we had an exclusive swimming session, time to relax and then go to dinner at a local church hall. The Mayor of Morpeth presented the individual day class winners with vouchers from CompassPoint. For those with energy to spare, there was a short disco before heading back to the Sports Hall and sleep.

On Sunday we travelled 50 minutes SW to the relays at Slaley and with double points awarded for the places there was both everything to play for and a tough task ahead. It was an exciting set of races in a very spectator friendly arena with 2 spectator controls and a long-ish run in under a bridge.

Despite a magnificent 1st place for boys followed by 5th, 7th and 10th and nothing much between the girls coming home in 3rd , 4th, 5th and 7th , the final result meant that England were winners of the Relay Day and Overall but only by 15 points. Next year…!

Many thanks to Newcastle and Tyneside Orienteering, a small club fully stretched to put on such a full programme over the weekend. The travel arrangements worked well, thanks to minibus drivers Dave Robertson and Tom Todd plus Susannah MacMillan, Rona Lindsay and support at the events from four families who came south for their holiday.

Team selected


Daniel Campbell MOR
Matthew Gooch MAROC
Louis Macmillan ECKO
Peter Molloy FVO
Reserve: Ronan Blackwood, INVOC


Alistair Chapman MAROC
Jake Chapman MAROC
Alasdair Lilley ECKO
Joe Wright MAROC
Reserve: Ben Parkinson, FVO


Freddie Carcas INT
Tom Lines ECKO
Ewan McMillan MAROC
Finlay Todd INVOC
Reserve: Callum Hunter ECKO


Rachel Brown ESOC
Megan Keith INVOC
Lizzie Stansfield FVO
Alice Wilson CLYDE
Reserve: Amber Graham, MAROC


Jenny Blackwood INVOC
Eilidh Campbell MAROC
Jura Macmillan ECKO
Grace Molloy FVO
Reserve: Mairi Weir, MOR


Roanne Lilley ECKO
Abi Mason MAROC
Lindsay Robertson CLYDE
Clare Stansfield FVO
Reserve: Emma Wilson, CLYDE


Marsela McLeod (SOA Performance Director)
Marjorie Mason (ScotJOS Treasurer)
Elizabeth Furness (ScotJOS Lead Coach)