Practical Coaching CPD

Central Belt , United Kingdom

*Exact date and location in June to be confirmed*

Half-day practical coaching CPD course run in conjunction with a Safety Workshop for Coaches Working in Remote or Exposed Areas.


Coaching Foundation

Kinnoull Hill Forestry Classroom, Jubilee Carpark, Muirhall Road, Perth, United Kingdom

A practical, one-day course for orienteers who are members of an SOA club, and who are interested in coaching.

£60 – £100

Scottish Level 1 Coach (L1C)

*Exact dates and location in October to be confirmed*
High quality coaching qualification (previously UKCC) for capable orienteers who have attended the Coaching Foundation course, and provides skills to run single sessions. Subsidies are usually available from sportscotland.


Coaching Foundation

*Exact date and location in October to be confirmed* A practical, one-day course for orienteers who are members of an SOA club, and who are interested in coaching.

£60 – £100

Safety Workshop for Coaches Working in Remote or Exposed Areas

Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

*Exact date and location in October to be confirmed*

Half-day Safety Workshop for Coaches Working in Remote or Exposed Areas run in conjunction with a practical coaching CPD course.


Practical Coaching CPD

Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

*Exact date and location in October to be confirmed*

Half-day practical coaching CPD course run in conjunction with a Safety Workshop for Coaches Working in Remote or Exposed Areas.


Scottish Level 1 Coach (L1C)

Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

High quality coaching qualification (previously UKCC) for capable orienteers who have attended the Coaching Foundation course, and provides skills to run single sessions. Subsidies are usually available from sportscotland.


Introducing Orienteering (IntrO)

Bonaly Primary 57 Bonaly Rd, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Introduction to the basic skills of orienteering through indoor and outdoor activities, and how to bring a variety of subjects to life through the medium of orienteering, intended for teachers, outdoor centre instructors, Scout leaders etc.


Tutor Foundation Course

Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

This new initiative is a non-qualification course aimed at members with Level 1 and above coaching. Successful completion will give […]


Introducing Orienteering (IntrO)

Bonaly Primary 57 Bonaly Rd, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Introduction to the basic skills of orienteering through indoor and outdoor activities, and how to bring a variety of subjects to life through the medium of orienteering, intended for teachers, outdoor centre instructors, Scout leaders etc.
